Lourdes Lessons
Catechetical Resource Program
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The goal of our program is to teach the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, to share the message of Lourdes of healing, penance and prayer, and to instill a love for Mother Mary who always leads us to her Son, Jesus Christ.
Our lessons are designed to enrich the faith of school-age children from kindergarten through 12th grade whether in traditional schools or religious education, homeschool or RCIA programs. It is our shared dream to make learning our faith fun, exciting, and memorable.
Our resource program offers many opportunities for active involvement with lesson plans, presentations, worksheets, videos, games and crafts. For the month of May (grades 4-8 lessons), we have included a service for the traditional May Crowning that invites the entire school to participate.
We are excited that you will take your students on this faith journey through Lourdes, learning about Our Lady of Lourdes and the message she brings to us. It is our prayer that your students will come to breathe, love and live our faith. May God bless you. We remain united with you in the grotto of our hearts.
How to use this series
Watch our 4-minute video on how to use this series or download our step-by-step instructions to get started.

Program is always free!
Please feel free to share, share, share with friends and family.

Grades K-12 and RCIA
Lesson plans, presentations, worksheets, games and more.

May Crowning
Service that invites the entire school to join.

Personal Login
Every lesson comes with a lessons completed checklist
For Assistance
Comment within the program or email [email protected]
Phone: 315-476-0026